The past year has had a lot of ups and downs. Mostly downs. Layoffs more than one. Having to intrude in-laws for what felt like a year. Car issues. Not as much family time as we should have had. I can go on and on, but rather put the bad behind.
The ups...
A new rental. Small and cozy, but perfect for our little family.
Parents that loan vehicles.
Tony working as a plumber-creating his own destiny (as he puts it-but hopefully not much longer).
I am working part-time at the place I have been off since the last big layoff, as well as part-time at Hamilton High School food court cashier. It may not see like the dream job to most, but I am the happiest there I have been ever. Its fast pace, active hard work and I love, love, love my co-workers. Plus the perks of time off with fall, winter and spring breaks. Its the greatest.
Paisley is 8 now and the greatest girl ever. She is in the third grade and is doing really well in school. She is obsessed with Justin Bieber (what little girl isn't), loves to play soccer, dance, color, write music and sing. We are blessed.
New brother-in-law, Tony's little sister Nikki got married to Adam. At the wedding we were able to see a lot of family that Paisley and I had never met. Family that Tony had not seen in over 10 years. It was great.
So life is good. Hopefully on track of becoming even better.
Hopefully I will keep up with blogging!
Yeeeeaaaaah! Loving the update and you are inspiring me to update mine. Blogging is back baby!!
lins!! this is april (colorado), i cannot believe i found you again! sorry i fell off fb and lost you. I pray you get this one day soon. my email is if you do get a chance to catch up. paisley is gorgeous, you sound so happy. xoxo
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